GEN 1 Helibars
You can drill new pins to get it fit the gen2 I did, then fill it with liquid rubber to help take out the vibrations for the road Pi_thumbsup

Simmo excellent tip and good to know Trophy Would do no probs on my own bike but wouldn't feel right being a customers.

Have to supply whats paid for Pi_thumbsup

Again ............... handy tip Clap So now have a set of Gen 1 helibars for sale which are also suitable for Gen II with "SIMMO'S" mod Coolsmiley

Messages In This Thread
GEN 1 Helibars - by fasterfaster - 26-10-2009, 08:11am
RE: GEN 1 Helibars - by simmo - 26-10-2009, 01:53pm
RE: GEN 1 Helibars - by fasterfaster - 26-10-2009, 03:50pm

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