Mark Sutherland (16/12/1969 - 11/10/2009)
Mark Sutherland (16/12/1969 - 11/10/2009)

Words and pictures by Fiona Sutherland (FiFi)

Born in Northern Territory but lived all over the place growing up. He worked in telecommunications, loved his fords and motorbikes.

He was larger than life and loved making people laugh. He never had a bad bone in his body and would have given the shirt off his back to help anyone.

I remember an incident he kept talking about where on his way to work one night he stopped at a service station to get petrol when he noticed a lady with her 3 young children in the car. She had a flat tyre and no one was willing to help. Mark took it upon him self to get out the jack and promptly fix her tyre. He said she looked frightened (it was after 10pm at night) and the kids were very quiet in the back of the car. After fixing her tyre she wanted to pay him or go buy him a lottery ticket however as was with Mark he refused. He said that maybe one day if I was ever in need that someone would be willing to help me.

The help and kindness I have received from the Hayabusa website is on a much grander scale but Mark did believe in what comes around goes around. Just thought you might like that story.

He was my soul-mate and there will never be another. He was irreplaceable (not that I want to) and I am absolutely honoured to call him my husband but most of all my best friend.




Fiona and Mark on their Wedding Day

Mark's Bike

Mark Sutherland (Mark_S) had only been a member here for a few weeks when he was tragically taken from us by a driver who crossed to the wrong side of the road. In that short time he made such a profound impression here that many members deeply mourned his passing.

(Excerpt from a previous post)

MadMax, Simmo, Babybusa, BigKev, Pan, Blackzook, Ruffy and I were privileged to be in attendance at the very moving and emotional tribute to Mark Sutherland (Mark_S).

Mark Sutherland seems to have had the same effect wherever he went. Based on what we heard, he was a larger than life character, a true 'giver', a wonderful husband and step-dad and a dedicated member of the community. A man who was universally liked by all he met. Friendly, open, caring, reliable, committed and (this theme was repeated a few times) very big on elaborate practical jokes. Big macho on the outside... big softie on the inside. Always the first to lend a hand.

I feel sad that I never had the chance to meet him. There is absolutely no doubt he would have been an outstanding member of this club and we are certainly poorer for his loss.

He was piped into the chapel by a Highland bag-piper whilst his mates from the NSW Rural Fire Service formed an honour guard. The place was packed... standing room only. Most of us stood outside and listened through the open doors. Outside the chapel was parked the fire tender upon which he served.

We had an opportunity to make ourselves known to Fiona and she was very welcoming and very thankful that we had attended on behalf of the club. Despite having suffered a terrible and tragic loss, she stayed to chat with us about what the forum had meant to Mark and share other snippets of insight into the man we never got to meet. Thank you Fiona.

R.I.P Mark Sutherland (Mark_S)

Messages In This Thread
Mark Sutherland (16/12/1969 - 11/10/2009) - by Astro - 25-10-2009, 04:03pm
RE: Mark Sutherland (16/12/1969 - 11/10/2009) - by big kev - 11-10-2010, 09:11am
RE: Mark Sutherland (16/12/1969 - 11/10/2009) - by BLACKZOOK - 11-10-2010, 05:16pm

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