24-04-2005, 09:53pm
Gdy... must be the ANZAC weekend that brings 'em all out. Even up here it's been Wobbler Weekend... stuff-wits (or wood-ducks of you prefer) bloody everywhere ! Maybe they think it'll get too cold to ride soon, so better get out there and do a token run before it's too bloody late.
To make matters worse it's another freaking Double Demerit weekend and they've got two cops on BMW's cruising up and down the Old Pacific Hwy all day long... as well as a speed camera of our very own... which they move every hour or so just to confuse you. Thus far this weekend I've done 600 of the most boring km's of my life.
Ahh well... soon all the little wood-ducks will be tucked up at home with their bikes packed away for the winter... and the those of us NSW'ers who ride all year long (thanks to thermal goodies and heated gloves) can have some bloody fun.
Regards.... Rob (Astro)<i></i>
To make matters worse it's another freaking Double Demerit weekend and they've got two cops on BMW's cruising up and down the Old Pacific Hwy all day long... as well as a speed camera of our very own... which they move every hour or so just to confuse you. Thus far this weekend I've done 600 of the most boring km's of my life.
Ahh well... soon all the little wood-ducks will be tucked up at home with their bikes packed away for the winter... and the those of us NSW'ers who ride all year long (thanks to thermal goodies and heated gloves) can have some bloody fun.
Regards.... Rob (Astro)<i></i>