08-09-2009, 10:42am
update: rego tubes on bikes in NSW
Kathy and i have spoken with the MCC (guy stanford) and he has said that the RTA rules for rego tubes in NSW are legal the police unfortunatly are useing the national light vehicle code of australia to fine riders haveing rego tubes on there bike.Should an officer fine for the rego tube then you should take it to court and it can be contested
i hope this help guys n girls
thanks kathy , keven
(AHC) delegates
Kathy and i have spoken with the MCC (guy stanford) and he has said that the RTA rules for rego tubes in NSW are legal the police unfortunatly are useing the national light vehicle code of australia to fine riders haveing rego tubes on there bike.Should an officer fine for the rego tube then you should take it to court and it can be contested
i hope this help guys n girls
thanks kathy , keven
(AHC) delegates