22-08-2009, 08:19pm
Now I thought I would stick this up here to see what people most about how things used to be....even from my youngish perspective..no doubt someone will throw in something about when lollies etc were cheaper..but I'll get the ball rolling with some that have been in my mind the last few days...
REMEMBER WHEN...there used to be a bit of courtesy on the highway, where people would wave on the longer, more boring roads especially. People wouldn't tailgate you, (highway driving mostly) and people used to flash their lights if there was a radar ahead, up this way it seems to be only 1 in maybe 20 that will warn you.
REMEMBER WHEN...young kids used to get old cars for their first car, something they would have to put a bit of time and effort into fixing and maintaining. No air-con, no power steering, NO FRILLS basically. Now most new motorists wouldn't know where or how to check your oils or coolant etc. I had to show my 18 and a half year old brother in law how to change a tyre yesterday, including where to find them, and how to use the jack.
REMEMBER WHEN...there used to be a bit of courtesy on the highway, where people would wave on the longer, more boring roads especially. People wouldn't tailgate you, (highway driving mostly) and people used to flash their lights if there was a radar ahead, up this way it seems to be only 1 in maybe 20 that will warn you.
REMEMBER WHEN...young kids used to get old cars for their first car, something they would have to put a bit of time and effort into fixing and maintaining. No air-con, no power steering, NO FRILLS basically. Now most new motorists wouldn't know where or how to check your oils or coolant etc. I had to show my 18 and a half year old brother in law how to change a tyre yesterday, including where to find them, and how to use the jack.