Forum Protocol and Signup Agreement
Before everyone gets too excited and starts dumping on Busgo again....
This was a thought I suggested to remind people that there actually are fairly defined rules on this forum (Just like EVERY other forum I participate in...nothing new).

The problem is that people sign up and don't ever see it again.
Its just a gentle reminder, not big bro coming to get you.
Just a reminder that there are guidelines on this forum.

And why would there be any double standard for Admins?
The way the poor frikkin admins are getting singled out lately is a bit sad.

I haven't seen this sort of thing on other forums to be honest.

I think people just need to take a chill pill.
This is a forum.
It's supposed to be about fun and connecting with people.
Not the opposite.
If I want to get depressed I will switch on the news...thanks.

Messages In This Thread
Forum Protocol and Signup Agreement - by BUSGO - 15-06-2009, 06:13pm
RE: Forum Protocol and Signup Agreement - by DjPete - 15-06-2009, 06:52pm
RE: Forum Protocol and Signup Agreement - by Spook - 01-08-2009, 01:43pm

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