Katana cross k9 gixxer thousand
nick i have been an still are an active member of the katana australia club and still have a few kats in the back shed mate an im sorry to say im noy a fan of that pic lol there is a concept bike in japan an its a gsx 1400 with the original factory katana kit on it an it looks really nice

i have a katana im building an its the 84 85 pop up headlight model an its going to have busa front an rear ends when its finished

but sorry to say i dont like that 1 mate lol but each his own when a blind man kissed a monkey [/align]

Messages In This Thread
Katana cross k9 gixxer thousand - by bigfoot - 14-07-2009, 08:18pm
RE: Katana cross k9 gixxer thousand - by big kev - 14-07-2009, 08:39pm
RE: Katana cross k9 gixxer thousand - by big kev - 14-07-2009, 10:10pm
RE: Katana cross k9 gixxer thousand - by big kev - 14-07-2009, 10:59pm
RE: Katana cross k9 gixxer thousand - by NEMESIS - 15-07-2009, 07:27am
RE: Katana cross k9 gixxer thousand - by big kev - 15-07-2009, 09:08am
RE: Katana cross k9 gixxer thousand - by big kev - 15-07-2009, 10:56am
RE: Katana cross k9 gixxer thousand - by bigfoot - 15-07-2009, 05:06pm
RE: Katana cross k9 gixxer thousand - by NEMESIS - 16-07-2009, 04:37am

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