09-09-2005, 06:31am
Bill, this modification came in on 03's and above.
You are concerned about nothing as your bike is std in configuration its not required.
Mod is there mainly for people who try to start their bikes when the battery is just about RS and therefore cant spin the motor quick enough.... and she coughs backwards. Also can be an issue in very cold climates ie Europe and Nth America when bikes are started covered in snow.... they turn over very slow.
Oh yer the cost is well over $1000 in parts alone. Not just an after market bush / sleeve as suggested. <i>Edited by: Gazza414 at: 9/9/05 6:34 am
You are concerned about nothing as your bike is std in configuration its not required.
Mod is there mainly for people who try to start their bikes when the battery is just about RS and therefore cant spin the motor quick enough.... and she coughs backwards. Also can be an issue in very cold climates ie Europe and Nth America when bikes are started covered in snow.... they turn over very slow.
Oh yer the cost is well over $1000 in parts alone. Not just an after market bush / sleeve as suggested. <i>Edited by: Gazza414 at: 9/9/05 6:34 am