05-07-2009, 09:40pm
hey there guys i had a blast at the bike show it was a sucess for the business as i had a custmer come back late arvo an drop off his seat off his HOG so its going great guns i would like to say thanks to all busa owners for your support HEIDI,GRAHAM AN KATHY you guys have been really great people as all busa owners are cheer guys
i had alot of awsome cars an bikes next to my stall was ben gatt an aolt of harleys an cool cars
ok heres a few shots i have over 80 pics of cars n bikes guys so im not going to post them all up but there is a few of the best bikes an ben gatts car
i had alot of awsome cars an bikes next to my stall was ben gatt an aolt of harleys an cool cars
ok heres a few shots i have over 80 pics of cars n bikes guys so im not going to post them all up but there is a few of the best bikes an ben gatts car