28-06-2009, 08:55pm

(28-06-2009, 08:26am)Tony Nitrous Wrote: Jeez...dont you lot get stressed over some one you never knew.
Yeah, he might NOT have been a kiddy-fiddler,
then again, maybe he coundn't sing and his records were dubbed ?
You only know what the media feeds you.
He was of little importance in the big scale of things.
Personaly i had more interest in Farah Fawcett, at least she was eye candy,
but hey! What ever floats your boat.
I glad I didn't start on the Madeline McCann coming out of hiding jokes !!
the guiness book of records celebrate the beaumont childrens record of the worlds longest game of hide and seek...
(disclaimer inserted)
maybe its societies way of coping with making a joke of something terrible?
i know i make a joke of my mum being dead because i would rather laugh than sit in my own misery and cry.
micheal was and is a great performer..
tad insane probably.
loved his kids yes.
aquitted yes.
never found guilty .yes.
rumours .hell yes.
guilty? who knows only when he meets god will he have too justify himself.
media coverage because he was different..hmmmm lordy aweful.
was i there.no!
was there firm evidence of interfering? hmmm we may never know.
did he bring great music .yes!
his dance moves changed our lives in a musical way .yes!
i like too think until proven guilty by court is a good way too go.i feel the money and his eccentricities made him a soft target.
until i,m shown the evidence by a legal court and not a media circus i will believe he was misguided in his affections.maybe reliving a stolen childhood due to a circus of hype and storm and money.
i hate this saying with a vengance..its my 2c worth ..cant people find a new saying??
well in my speak its my opinon and thats good that i live in a country that allows freedom of speech