I'll differ from the norm and say that, his private life aside, the world has lost a musical genius and an artist the likes of which we will never see again in this lifetime. His vocal and dance talents revolutionised the music world, with amazing videos and mind blowing concerts, he dominated pop charts the world over for 30 years. His departure has left a gaping hole in the music industry that will never be filled.
1 line from a song of his fits him perfectly in regards to what we think of his lifestyle:
" Just because you read it in the magazine or see it on the TV screen don't make it factual "
R.I.P Micheal Jackson.......
We love you and we will forever miss you
1 line from a song of his fits him perfectly in regards to what we think of his lifestyle:
" Just because you read it in the magazine or see it on the TV screen don't make it factual "
R.I.P Micheal Jackson.......
We love you and we will forever miss you