Road report- llandilo
if you coming from windsor to stmarys via llandilo , on llandilo rd , i normally go st marys rd, while travelling across last night as you cross the bridge there are two tight 45km s bends , as i approached the first corner left hander the bike slide me at 45 degree straight across the apex onto the other side of the road, underpants moment , bloody thing is ,the warning signs are all facing the traffic going in the opposite direction saying mud on the road , at night you can't pick it until it too late.

I rang the coppers and told them to get the council to clean it up asap.

Messages In This Thread
Road report- llandilo - by 09Fatboy - 08-06-2009, 09:20am
RE: Road report- llandilo - by simmo - 08-06-2009, 06:44pm

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