The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
My god peoples...

I've been away over a week and my last post is still on this page!!!! WTF

Anyhoo's, the Gold Coast is copping a walloping with the rain! But I'm loving it, that's why god created Boarders Bookshops.

But my 3 weeks holidays is already under attack by the old girl. She had to go get cancer and well the rest of the fam is in shock. (I did tell them it was the big C.... but no they didn't want to believe me) lol god I am horrible! Too clinical.... so sad, but she won't be leaving hospital its that advanced. (Again... I told her so!! ((Mother))

So I believe I will be heading back to drama central to say hoo roo... After I hit boarders bookshop for the 3rd time.

Ok back to you guys...

Messages In This Thread
RE: The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread - by Missy_Moo - 21-05-2009, 10:07am

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