19-05-2009, 09:45am
(19-05-2009, 03:26am)BUSGO Wrote: Hi Nem,
With your 2nd problem, I suspect that at some point recently you may have saved a photo from the web to a USB drive directly from the web rather than to your hard drive.
Since doing that, the PC now has a path in its search loop to find that location whenever you try to "save as".
Windows does some funny things in an attempt to make life easier for you.
Simillar things happen if you use a web photo for your desktop background without saving a copy to your own location first..
I can't help you with how to fix the first situation except for advising to look for your photo editing options in whatever tool you may use.
In the second case, you can simply alter your desktop background photo to a local storage image rather than one you pulled from the internet.
Hey busgo,thanks for the try,but nah my usb is never on here
plugged into my comp for me to save pics to it,i always
save to hardrive. I only gave it to the guy who was reformatting my comp etc to try save what was on there b4 he had to.
I tried to load stuff on there when i got it back,it showed up,
i was like sweet. Didnt load everything though,tried a month
odd later an wouldnt work.
An my desktop pic has always been standard windows one since
i got it back.
But thanks for the try busgo.
No thumbs up smiley is currently available haha!