24-04-2009, 04:39pm
awee cmon heidiiiiiiiii................
just got back from canberra i was keeping an eye out for busa riders..but no luck. dammit(saw a few gixxers tho)
lol king and others ,you lot are naggers!!!! lol but yea cmon heidi!!!! lordy woman i asked my big brother about the libaries .he gave me an indepth run down on basically the national library has every book written,to me it sounded like the library out of 'the libraian" with noah whilley.(out of ER) it holds everything and maybe the holy grail.opened my ears to say the least
just got back from canberra i was keeping an eye out for busa riders..but no luck. dammit(saw a few gixxers tho)
lol king and others ,you lot are naggers!!!! lol but yea cmon heidi!!!! lordy woman i asked my big brother about the libaries .he gave me an indepth run down on basically the national library has every book written,to me it sounded like the library out of 'the libraian" with noah whilley.(out of ER) it holds everything and maybe the holy grail.opened my ears to say the least