23-04-2009, 11:21pm
Well Men, there's a start.I thought we might rake up about a 1/2 doz
of us,so i as far as i am concerned I'll be there as stated (unless it's pissing down).I have been watching the forum fairly closely for the last
few months & can find 9 fairly regular poster's including me. I think it should be our goal to all meet at some stage,so lets try to stay in touch
a bit via the forum(which is what it is intended for).See Whoever on the
17th & i'll keep an eye on the board.In case you're wondering,no,i don't
have a life EITHER!.
of us,so i as far as i am concerned I'll be there as stated (unless it's pissing down).I have been watching the forum fairly closely for the last
few months & can find 9 fairly regular poster's including me. I think it should be our goal to all meet at some stage,so lets try to stay in touch
a bit via the forum(which is what it is intended for).See Whoever on the
17th & i'll keep an eye on the board.In case you're wondering,no,i don't
have a life EITHER!.
If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here