13-04-2009, 04:45pm
all these are awesome people...
thanks busgo about the comment about the joey...
busa -rod she is way too cute too shoot!!! awe lil joey
missy your dawwgys cute and a poser.
trix your guard dog does a great job at holding lounge down,the boxer is a poser too!!! so is that pusssy of yours!
i,m loving the old dog piccies as well just 2 weeks ago lost 'andy' he was 18 a black barbed kelpie.
i do not have a pict of him on this puter but will put one up soon.
my gawd i showed the sharpei too hubs he said wheres its face!!!!
how cute is that! do you have too clean between the folds of skin??
busgos picts of his dogs are decieving.they are really quiet big dogs.size of cattle dogs and solid like brick dunnies.but soooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy to see you because "you got food dontcha huh huh"
lol too trix and missy i,m glad your good spellers!!! because your pets will be correcting you in next spelling bee.
at mo im relaxing.all visitors gone even the joey and my cats have forgiven me.esp wolfie my latest baby.another maine coon but a boy.they grow natuarlly 10kgs. at min.
he is laying beside me on lounge and purring ,smiling.just in cat heaven.
i also have the arsehole 'cocky' the galah. whom i have been trying too kill for 20 years..
he swears like a trooper and asks all sorts of questions.
he was born in 83.someone told me he will live till 90..frig!!!!!! nasty lil bugger
thanks busgo about the comment about the joey...
busa -rod she is way too cute too shoot!!! awe lil joey
missy your dawwgys cute and a poser.
trix your guard dog does a great job at holding lounge down,the boxer is a poser too!!! so is that pusssy of yours!
i,m loving the old dog piccies as well just 2 weeks ago lost 'andy' he was 18 a black barbed kelpie.
i do not have a pict of him on this puter but will put one up soon.
my gawd i showed the sharpei too hubs he said wheres its face!!!!
how cute is that! do you have too clean between the folds of skin??
busgos picts of his dogs are decieving.they are really quiet big dogs.size of cattle dogs and solid like brick dunnies.but soooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy to see you because "you got food dontcha huh huh"
lol too trix and missy i,m glad your good spellers!!! because your pets will be correcting you in next spelling bee.
at mo im relaxing.all visitors gone even the joey and my cats have forgiven me.esp wolfie my latest baby.another maine coon but a boy.they grow natuarlly 10kgs. at min.
he is laying beside me on lounge and purring ,smiling.just in cat heaven.
i also have the arsehole 'cocky' the galah. whom i have been trying too kill for 20 years..
he swears like a trooper and asks all sorts of questions.
he was born in 83.someone told me he will live till 90..frig!!!!!! nasty lil bugger