the old u turn in front of you trick
bazooka Wrote:yep happened again Pi_freak- car did a u turn in front of me out on the open road. man this happens so many times where someone pulles out in front of you, cuts you off etc etc. i was diong 100-105ks and this little blue car was parked on the other side of the road. As i got closer i saw the wheels start to move and f#@$%^^k me she does a u turn right in front of me and cut me right off. Lucky had enough time to brake swerve and miss her (older lady). Dont know if she didnt see me or didnt look. Heart was beating a bit faster for a while i can tell you. The tip is when you see a car parked on the side of the road with someone in it watch the wheels - if they start to move beware.

this is the stuff that i need to know to learn from. very lucky mate and thanks for the lesson

Messages In This Thread
RE: the old u turn in front of you trick - by cheeky - 22-03-2009, 04:39pm
RE: the old u turn in front of you trick - by bigfoot - 22-03-2009, 05:28pm
RE: the old u turn in front of you trick - by jessie928 - 31-03-2009, 09:02am
RE: the old u turn in front of you trick - by GRUNTMAX - 31-03-2009, 09:42am

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