19-03-2009, 07:19am
Not very planted at all in those conditions, that was wobbling like Burts Indian and occasionaly missing a wobble and staying out the side for a minor "is this it "moment, couldn't have run faster and believe me i wanted too.
You could hear in the vid full revs in 5th but fairly constant in top due to an unwilling right hand..
That ecu has had the reflash done for 11500 rpm with hardcut fuel shutoff to not burn pistons when running on the limiter, (std cuts 50% fuel to 1&4)
You could hear in the vid full revs in 5th but fairly constant in top due to an unwilling right hand..
That ecu has had the reflash done for 11500 rpm with hardcut fuel shutoff to not burn pistons when running on the limiter, (std cuts 50% fuel to 1&4)