Mocha/Latte night in WA, Cottesloe on 17th March, 09 at 6.30 PM - (Past Event)
bear Wrote:Thanks for organising tonight. Great to see over $200k and nearly 2000HP lined up

Hi Bear,

Excellent words ' $200k and nearly 2000HP lined up' - thank you all for joining us for a fun filled evening, I liked few of the comments which are hard to forget...
** These are not my words so please dont get mad at me**
> Our of 10 bikes 3 are whites....Limited..only 150 for Aus....exclusive .... my ass....Lol3

> There were 3 Whites, 3 blue and silver, 3 black and once Silver....untill rooboy joined us with the only red and grey.

> Avon tyres are like my misses, harder on the inside and soft on the outside....oh thank god she is not listening.....Lol2

I also noticed that..

> The only bike to have standard exhaust was mine.....Pi_freak

> K9 black looked Yum....Trophy

> Bear had excellent paint job done to his bike the Black with bit of red was standing out along with his HID lamp

> Got to see had and hear all possible types of exhaust on Gen2.

Over all great night, very nice people. Thank you very much for making me a part of this.

Horndog we missed you...may be next time you will join us.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Mocha/Latte night in WA, Cottesloe on 17th March, 09 at 6.30 PM - by Bill Gaheer - 18-03-2009, 09:16am

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