Cluncking gears when changing up gears.
Sounds like you need to buy my Pingel Easy Shifter in the parts for sale section. Brand new. Got 1 on mine now. Pushbutton
Apart from that, I had a noisy fourth gear on an R100RS BMW I had years ago. Gear box ended up lockin up when going through a cutting down a windy hill. Me legs were flying everywhere, but lucky I never stacked the mutha. Almost killed me. 2 gears, a layshaft & 5 bearings. Get it fixed before it kills ya! While your at it you may as well bung a high ratio 5th & 6th & 1st gear in the mutha.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cluncking gears when changing up gears. - by GRUNTMAX - 02-03-2009, 06:53pm

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