29-01-2009, 06:54pm
Sounds like a crock of shit, your choice of tire/profile is your choice in fact Tim from Balmain thought it was a good idea to try it and I am glad I did - I wont be going back to 50's. It wont be for everyone though - I am a twisties whore and not much into straight lining so the tire suits me and my style, like I have ranted before your tire choice is yours and you have to do some research yourself because tire opinions are like an arsehole - every has one. I get shitted off a lot when I see these quiestions sometime .. sorry I digrese I amk sure most of you know my opinions about opinions by now
Its not a HUGE difference but enough to notice and I personally think it smooths the drive out a bit - again my bike is setup differently - lowerd at the front 20mm and suspension setup more like my race bike so it suits me.
Who was teh stealership?
Its not a HUGE difference but enough to notice and I personally think it smooths the drive out a bit - again my bike is setup differently - lowerd at the front 20mm and suspension setup more like my race bike so it suits me.
Who was teh stealership?
Egos; everyone got one