25-01-2009, 05:07pm
I bought one but because I run a Motty AFR in my K8 I ended up custom mapping the whole range so cant see the point installing it as the Motty does such a good job of fueling anyway plus it derestricts as well so the XTre is still in its packaing. Most other Busa owners I have spoken to in the US dont see a real diiference, personally with the new generation bikes I am a little sceptical about the effectivness about them anymore - I have run IVans TRE's for years and prior the Motty ran one as well on K8 but now I rekons is redundant for my bike - plus cant be arsed installing it as it would require me to by-pass the GPS so the Motty gets its signal etc, too much work for little gain - better to spend $$ elsewhere I rekon. Whack a few tooth on the rear if you want more wheelies - personally I can wheelie my bike easy as shit and has always "come up in the front" lol
Egos; everyone got one