23-01-2009, 07:24pm
Have had trauma today.... went off for a Friday lunch for work when that storm hit the sunshine coast. Came back to the office and my computer had taken a bath compliments of a dodgy ceiling in the building. No laptop. Only other computer is in the office (so slow) and I won't be hanging around here on a Friday evening!!!! LOL! May have to pinch the flatmates....AND drink their red....
Let's call it Stress Management!!!
Really really wish I'd backed up in the last few days..... All that work from staying up late all this week gone :( One may as well just go stuff it and play up all weekend now! Sold!

Really really wish I'd backed up in the last few days..... All that work from staying up late all this week gone :( One may as well just go stuff it and play up all weekend now! Sold!