15-01-2009, 10:00pm
(This post was last modified: 15-01-2009, 10:01pm by The Damsel.)
Missy_Moo Wrote:The Damsel Wrote:Missy_Moo Wrote:cheeky Wrote:OOOOOOOOO goody something i know about..heavy vechicles and men
must say missy your a sexy looking sheliadayummmm
LOL why thankyou
I had 6 months with a major quad injury this year. No so good for the rest of me ha ha.
Although have finally found a karate club that's so my style, so back into fierce training and (cross fingers) national comps again, sigh it feels so good and it hurts so bad (sigh)
Always remember lassies ride em hard, put em away wet
Hey Missy, do you know a lass by the name of Lourene Bevaart?
Sorry but no.
She was 6 times world karate champ and also (LOL) Glacier on the original Gladiators program!! Great girl. Been privileged enough to work with her a tad. Really down to earth and major inspiration. Has a handshake that could kill most people.... She's based in Melb. Could be a good contact if you're aiming for nationals..... just a thought.