11-01-2009, 08:45pm
Volvi Wrote:I saw Julia Gillard this arvo and can tell ya as some say The Damsel looks a bit like her, I say Julia would wish she'd look half as good as the Damsel.
Oh yea had a brief yarn with Kev, thats Kevin Rudd a real nice and amiable chap.
Nicely written Busgo, ever considered writing porno scripts? guess not enough words to warrant one.
Glad Pommie posted whats up a kilt pic, saves me the embarassment....not that I have a kilt anyway, just a Connor sword.
LOL Volvi!!!! Does the porno you've seen (making an assumption here that it's not just that you've been told!) have words????????????

Whilst not necessarily happy with being compared to Julia, one has to admire that she's done well AND was voted the most sexiest woman in Australia - not sure who did the poll tho.....

Just wanted clarification as well... does that mean your offering a pic of you kilt-less with your Connor Sword???