04-01-2009, 08:23pm
Dan85 Wrote:who says its anyone on here? i know of at least 10-15 gen1 busas and about 10 gen2's in canberra that have nothing to do with our club. and given there are only a handful of active members the none members out weigh the members.
plus i have serious doubts any of the guys on this board can spare enough time from polishing and riding and touching there bikes to have enough game to pick up a hotty.i know the last time a hot chick talked to me about my bike i was to busy telling her the exciting and interesting facts and figures about busas to realise she wanted to ride the dan rodeo.
ohwell good luck to her and the fella sounds like hes in for a treat if hes found.
p.s just incase the damsel is interested i have attached a photo of my dashing self aboard my orange beast my contact details are in my profile hahahahahahaha
I could prolly go for ya

With an Axe

never fly higher than your angel.