23-12-2008, 09:33pm
Finally took delivery of my Busa Yesterday.
What a great day, The weathwer was just right. I took the OLD ROAD North home and cut the tyres in beutifully.
She is locked up for now whilst I still have my two kids till Boxing Day. Then heading to Tamworth over night for the weekend with my mate who bought my Gixxer 750.
First time I have ever bought a new bike. WOW what a fealing. The smell, the feel, the unsureity, the adrenalin. Words cannot describe. Just loved it. I stopped at Pie in the sky and just still soacked in the fact that she is mine.
I will post photo's when I have worked out how to.
What a great day, The weathwer was just right. I took the OLD ROAD North home and cut the tyres in beutifully.
She is locked up for now whilst I still have my two kids till Boxing Day. Then heading to Tamworth over night for the weekend with my mate who bought my Gixxer 750.
First time I have ever bought a new bike. WOW what a fealing. The smell, the feel, the unsureity, the adrenalin. Words cannot describe. Just loved it. I stopped at Pie in the sky and just still soacked in the fact that she is mine.
I will post photo's when I have worked out how to.
" Live the Vision "
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"