05-12-2008, 06:57pm
steventh Wrote:Hi,
I put Ventureshield on my bike and wrote a How To do thread "Paint Protection - Covering Film Install". Ive included shots of my bike with the protective film with the outline being highlighted with car polish. After almost nine months of daily use and some long rides (PI, Jindy Weekend, and others) the film has remained clear.
I questioned if it was worth it? Given my long trips and the damage others have had from stones etc and that i have not had I would probably say that it is worth it but still have reservations on the small size of the leading endge fender plastic.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the input Steventh, If you can suggest a better shape/coverage on a photo for the leading edges or any other part for that matter, I can customise the template to better suit the exposed areas. I have no problem customizing the existing template but just remember, the more film that is used, the more it will cost. It will also add to the delivery time whilst it is being mapped top the template. No one knows better than the people putting the k's on the bike as to what suits best.
Also note that you do not need to buy a complete kit if you do not think it is suitable you can pick which pieces you want and we can build a kit based on that. Basically it is a drag and drop function with each piece to build out your own kit before cutting out on the plotter.
All prices will be based on lineal meterage required for the job.
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