Tank bags and luggage - what do you guys use?
I've used backpacks before and I just not a big fan. I'm currently using one at the moment but as soon as I get the tank bag sorted I'll ditch the back pack!

As for the Bagster on the Z it was a one off but something I should have discovered before it happened.....there were two tabs near the seat that the foam had not been glued on properly and one has rubbed through. Add that I had not washed the bike in 6 months and had not taken the cover off it and I guess I deserved it for not picking it up. Just check your bag to make sure there are "no scratchie" bits and you should be fine!

In your experence do the magnetic bags move around at all compared to the Bagster units? I've heard reports that they do, depending on the brand? I do like the idea of just taking the bag off when yuo are done though!

Messages In This Thread
Tank bags and luggage - what do you guys use? - by bassmaniac69 - 26-11-2008, 02:37pm
RE: Tank bags and luggage - what do you guys use? - by bassmaniac69 - 26-11-2008, 04:16pm

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