Gear Position Indicator - GIpro
The Ultimate Gear Indicator with built-in Advanced Timing Retard Eliminator.


This in my opinion has to be one of the best accessory product to get for the pre K8 Busas. Which all dont have a gear indicator. There are a few on the market but only this one has the TRE (advanced) built in.

No more bruising you big toe looking for that phantom 7th gear.

The installation is a Plug & Play and quite easy to hook up after determing all the correct locations.

The best place to mount it is ontop of your dash. However make sure the unit you buy comes with a loom long enough to reach the top of dash. Also request loom to come out of back of mounted little box and not from the bottom. That way it will sit flush on the dash with some velcroe. You may have to request this specs as special order as generally they dont come this way but with shorter loom and and cable from bottom of box.

Standard configuration + altered configeration units are available from the Australian Distributor.
If Ozzie suppliers wont accept your specs drop an email to the overseas suppliers and ask them to make you up one and that you tried the local suppliers but wouldnt conform to your request.
Also I personally prefer the RED indicator, but you also have the option for it to be in BLUE.

The website for additional info:

Pic mounted on dash. My aftermarket double bubble screen is an MRA x Germany. Not sure they still make them, but imho the best. They are the only ones that made them with eyelets for airflow.



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Gear Position Indicator - GIpro - by Volvi - 10-10-2008, 01:09pm

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