Tie down straps??
Pi_thumbsup yep even if you dont pull them down fully just taking up the tension when you sit on the bike will help as the shocks wont have a chance to raise on launch & this is usally a problem for bigger guys as the momentum of them rocking back combined with the suspenion expanding & the force from the launch casues it to wheelie if your not controlling the clutch well.

[Image: b76e01eb-552d-45d5-97df-028004b674c3_zps59f1c171.jpg]

Busa's yeah i guess i like them I've owned a few Pi_tongue

Messages In This Thread
Tie down straps?? - by Billy the kid - 26-09-2008, 02:30am
RE: Tie down straps?? - by TheShredder - 26-09-2008, 09:43am
RE: Tie down straps?? - by horndog - 26-09-2008, 12:01pm

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