luv my bike!!
On average I replace my bike every 2 years and sometimes they dont make it to a year when I update to the latest greatest litre bike (owned them all) but this K8 Busa has blown me away and its teh first bike I said to the missus (much to her delight) recently that I think I will keep this for a few years cos I love it so much. I really thought I was making a mistake going from a ZX10 to teh Busa but wanted a change and thought it wouldnt last 6months but man its 9 months now and I still am completly into it and havnt even thought about another bike (very unusal for me!) I am constantly amazed by teh ability of this bike and just enjoy the ride - perhaps I am getting old hmmm. Its not the power - in afct the 10 I rekon beats it but the torque is amazing and teh top end is cool and I just love the ride in general.
Egos; everyone got one

Messages In This Thread
luv my bike!! - by aussiemonster - 22-09-2008, 04:36pm
RE: luv my bike!! - by pan - 22-09-2008, 04:42pm
RE: luv my bike!! - by Volvi - 22-09-2008, 08:21pm
RE: luv my bike!! - by Gassick - 22-09-2008, 08:24pm
RE: luv my bike!! - by crumpy - 23-09-2008, 06:31pm
RE: luv my bike!! - by BUSGO - 23-09-2008, 06:39pm
RE: luv my bike!! - by crumpy - 23-09-2008, 07:00pm
RE: luv my bike!! - by Rev004 - 23-09-2008, 06:44pm
RE: luv my bike!! - by busakid08 - 23-09-2008, 08:03pm

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