WSID 2008 Fuchs Test And Tune Sunday 31 August 2008
2008 Fuchs Australian Nationals Test And Tune
Sunday, 31 August 2008
Event Information :
Entries close Friday, 22 August
Competitor Fees:
Group 1, 2, 3 and 4: $110
Junior Dragster: $55
Racers discount passes: $15
Competitor gates open: 6am
Due to sanctioning regulations, spectators are not permitted to attend Test and Tune events

Spaman & myself are in for a bit of a tune up, in the Blue team, any one else coming out to play

Messages In This Thread
WSID 2008 Fuchs Test And Tune Sunday 31 August 2008 - by simmo - 14-08-2008, 07:02pm

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