30-12-2006, 10:04am
Mr Tony here
Yeah how about that guy on the 600 huh? Smoked us. And so he should. Well did some adjustments on the old girl (Precious not Trix ) and shes handling a hell of a lot better. Took her for a blast over Mt G and Clear Mountain this morning. Totally different bike.. Have to apologise to Trix now. Think dinner and a bottle of wine should do it.
Next time will make all of the ride.
By the way Trix and I are going for a toughen up ride on Saturday 7 January, from here to Toowoomba out to Dalby, back through Maryborough, back home. Leaving my place at 5 if anyone wants to join in. Doing it Saturday so we can recover on Sunday. Greetings
There is nothing like a bee in your helmet to test your reflexs and nerves
Yeah how about that guy on the 600 huh? Smoked us. And so he should. Well did some adjustments on the old girl (Precious not Trix ) and shes handling a hell of a lot better. Took her for a blast over Mt G and Clear Mountain this morning. Totally different bike.. Have to apologise to Trix now. Think dinner and a bottle of wine should do it.
Next time will make all of the ride.
By the way Trix and I are going for a toughen up ride on Saturday 7 January, from here to Toowoomba out to Dalby, back through Maryborough, back home. Leaving my place at 5 if anyone wants to join in. Doing it Saturday so we can recover on Sunday. Greetings
There is nothing like a bee in your helmet to test your reflexs and nerves