DIY Headers
Well I got most of the headers done, I got creative and had an idea of running a dremel with a thin cutting disc around the inside of my stock headers breaking the welds on the collats on the ends of the headers.

I was then able to tap the collats off and slide them on my turbo headers including the 2 bolt flanges. I spot welded them in place and bolted up to the bike and it fits nice.

Just waiting on a T28 flange to show up so I can weld that on.

I will get Tony to tig the collats up for me. I migged the mandrel bends up and they should be ok.

Once Its a bit more presentable I will post up some better pics.
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Messages In This Thread
DIY Headers - by horndog - 03-08-2008, 09:17pm
RE: DIY Headers - by horndog - 16-08-2008, 05:19pm

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