30-06-2008, 08:53pm
Maj Wrote:Throttlebodies are not central under the tank,you will have clearance issues with that plenum but otherwise it looks fine.
spigots /ram tubes need to be like the std ones and trumpet shape into the plenum
you only have ~100mm total space , a little more if your very exact to tank shape , so your spigots can only be 25mm max , 19mm is about the min
this is one i'm using now, in early stages.
Thanks for the comments, Im thinking that maybe taking it down to 50-60mm height may be the way to go but had concerns about restricting airflow.
Is it proven to be beneficial to use curved walls on the plenum over right angles?
I will take 10mm off the sides as well. Once completed and proven to fit, I will post CAD drawings for anyone else who may want some reference material for their own project.
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