01-06-2008, 05:17pm
debandee Wrote:An observation through history...
Seeing as a 'certain someone' wants us to be historical or hysterical...
Throughout history we have had conflict between pretty much every major (and minor) ethnic group.
The Catholics and the Protestants are well known in Ireland for their ongoing hatred. I remember an article about an Australian tourist being beating because he didn't care to answer The Challenge, "Catholic or Protestant?"
South Africa (where I'm from - and am therefore fuly qualified, with Honours, to speak on racisim) has not only had black on white problems (white on black problems, if you prefer) but also inter-tribal tiffs that make westernised warfare pale in comparrison. Further north in Africa, countries have been defined by the number of lives taken.
In South America; I've stayed in countries where the mention of a neighbouring country wil cause the people in the immediate vicinity to spit on the ground.
In Europe; religion and sex has played it's part in creating borders and cultural boundries.
In the UK... well, they got tired of one religion and invented another. The next queen to come in and decided the first Pretend Friend was the best and then gave her name to a rather revoltng cocktail.
Here come's the inflammatory bit...
Each of these conflicts is individual. The problems associated with each 'hotspot' are just that - hot in one spot and not global.
Look at history; EVERYWHERE the muslims have settled there has been conflict.
Middle East (one country refuses to recognise Israel and wants them wiped out)
North Africa, West Africa, East Africa, Southern Africa
Europe - both West and East
Malaysia, Indonesia and most of the Pacific Rim
I don't America personally but I don't think bringing buildings down decides much either way.
My experience with Muslim and Islam is limited. By choice. I don't believe in anyone or any dogma that forces me in one way or another. Live and Let Live; not Live and Let Die.
My observation in this thread (if it hasn't been cancelled yet and 1300 put on probabtion for personal attacks on forum members - a good suggestion if any moderators are listening)
is that cultural intergration in not perfect. It's not supposed to be otherwise we lose our identity.
Don't be backwards in going forwards either; it's why I ride a Busa. Look at history and learn, but look also at the history of other countries and learn too.
I'm leaving a lot unsaid because I would love to see debate - not personal attacks on people because they have an opinion
I suppose cultural integration is hard especially where you come from(s.africa).I distinctly recall how citizens in your country where treated when they did not integrate or abide by the laws of their boss's at the time.You suggested that I should be moderated and I thank you for that cause it reminded me of a fellow back in your country who was moderated or I should say hushed up for a little while by the loving goverment: NELSON MANDELA.Im assuming that Mr Mandela is a bigger authority on racism than you I guess.Maybe what we should learn is how to leave other country/cultures alone who we want to exploit for their oil,diamonds,silver or any of their natural rescources with false imaginery threats and lame statements like "we are here to save you and give you democracy".You should be very knowledgable about this subject it was quite an issue back in beautiful South Africa for a few decades so if you dont mind maybe you can teach me on how democracy and freedom of speech worked back home??????.Before you get your pants in a bunch this is not a personal attack, just a question.