31-05-2008, 12:55pm
I think aussies are pretty laid back and wouldn,t care a hoot on what people do and practice in their own homes.However when a religion impacts on a group assimilation and confirmation to the laws in the country they choose to live ,it becomes a problem.if the religious laws clash with the laws of the country you need to to either compromise or change country,and not expect to get special dispensations because of your religion.The rest of the the community sees this and resents this.Religion or not if everyone thinks how their actions day to day religious, redneck or not impact on others no one will have anything to complain about.Don,t leave a footprint.If i had muslims on one side of me who didn,t smoke me out of my house,didn,t park across my driveway,or lawn or play loud music until all hours of the night,i,d have nothing to complain about and would invite them over for a barbie myself.If the basis of someones belief isn,t consideration of others around you possibly not of your own religion ,your going to come across as inconsiderate.Theres no denying what the Koran thinks of non muslim people and i think thats central to the excuse that young muslim males have for their behaviour.That just adds to young male beahviour in general as i,ve rarely found much drama with them except in doing business with them,they seem to operate on a different set of rules to what you normally expect.So believe what you want just don,t bother others,and abide by the laws everyone else has to regardless of what you think you can get away with and theres no problem.