29-05-2008, 10:15pm
BLACKZOOK Wrote:Hurry up with the photos mate I'm busting to see them. Make sure you put up the before shots when we picked her up in Sydney and tell the story of woe in getting her over west.Chapter 1:
Come up with f*&^ing clever idea. Why not buy an Austin 1800 Ute to haul the Busa around in on those special days?
Immediately finds one in Sydney! Not so clever but since onlt 2300 ever made, and this one looks good, go and waste FF points and go pick it up!
Maybe ask someone to check it out first in case it's a complete lemon!
Enter Blackzook!
Ute looks pretty good, minimla rsut and basically sound, waste FF points fly to Sydney, hand over loot drive up Blue mountains.mmmm Noisy!
Battery is loose, Fark, so is engine mount!
Back to Bruce, sit around get pissed, (thanks for great time, worth the points on it's own!) book flight back to Perth next day. FF points now wasted totally. Pay $1300 and wait for a truck delivery!
On the lawn in Perth
Boss very generously lets me use shed at work so start looking for noises
Not here but check the fluffy dice!
Still looking
Getting warm!
Nah, not yet!