Camden residents stops islamic school.
Louwai Wrote:
1300hayabusa Wrote:
Louwai Wrote:When in Rome.

If you want to live in a specific place / country, join in, don't try to change it to suit your own requirements. (we're talking major changes here).
If the place where you live needs changing (as you see it) then maybe you shouldn't be living in that place / country.

Louwai maybe the aboriginals in this country should have had the same policy for your ancestors when they landed here.EXACTLY as you wrote above!!!!!Or would you say that does not apply for you???? How fcukin rude are some people,dont you remember your history?????Guns, theft,pilage,rape all these where the tricks of the day.Secondly the Iraqi's that burnt the flag would not have been here doing that shit if Australia did not buttt its nose in the war.This country has never learned from its past mistakes eg:Vietnam, their citizens claim refugee status in this country due to the fact that you went to their's TRIED to take over and lost.What the fcuk where you doing there??????Now you hear biggot,racist pricks complaining when it was you who gave them that right to be here.
By the way what is Australian????? is it not a mixture of people,cultures,nationalitys,religons ,food,fashion and all sorts that makes this place unique?????Or is it as a journalist described,a facade of goodwill and acceptance with deep hidden racial anger bred by the ignorant.People here should not forget their history and how they obtained/stole this land and how gratefull we should be to others,
the indigenous people of this land.

I love a good debate ........ Especially when the others can't help making a personal attack.

But I agree with what you said 1300.......

I certainly don't condone Australia's involvement in ANY war or country take-over.
I am not a fan of what was done in Australia over 100yrs ago. But it was just that, over 100 yrs ago. There is nothing I can do about it now other than to treat everyone as my equal...
My comments in the previous post were not directed at any secific race or colour. It was purely my observation.
I didn't specifically say that the flag burners were Iraqie people.
My reference to that was about what others have said here. The Gov lets in too many people without stringent enough background checks, regardless of where they come from.
I'm not saying "don't let them in", I'm just saying "Check them out thoroughly" first.

1300, it sounds like you have some deep rooted hatred of your own there aimed at the white Australian's. Maybe you do & maybe you don't. But that's the way your post reads.

I have been lucky enough to live in / visit 18 different countries in my life to date. Some for up to 3yrs at a time.
All of which I have stayed in with gratitude towards the local people for making me welcome.

What has entering this country and checks have to do with what I said????secondly if they are not checked properly by the pople you are paying taxes to just goes to show what kind of border defence you have running here and to be quite frank any 2c terrorist would find this place like a smorgasboard if he wanted due to the lack of eduaction and awareness.Your defences are a joke and that is coming from personal experience. In regards to your comment about me having deep rooted hatred towards white Australians is only your interpretation or maybe a flare up comment on your side.I and many others have been subject to racial abuse and ATTEMPTED assaults since I have been here.One day not so long ago some locals here in Qld decided to try and intimidate/attack us,these arsholes met the wrong bloke to spit their venom at and found out the hard way how bad the health system here is.My resevervations are towards racist pricks who think that they have some god given right that they can sit on their high chair made out of a century of totrure and pilage and discriminate towards color,culture and language just because they dont uderstand it due to their meaningless exsitance and uncultered upbringing.I have met alot of aussies overseas like yourself who are humble,respectfull and courteous when visiting places but I have also met rednecks who slag the locals because they dont speak english even when reminded that many aussies can hardly utter a word in any other language.It so easy to put our hand up and say that was than and this is now but you conveniently dismiss/forget that the NOW is a result from the past.You have been reaping the benefits of the attrocities done but god forbid anyone puts it in your face because its the truth ........what the fcuk is with that????? You history is what makes you..This shit was going on in the 60's and 70's and not that long ago.You also mentioned that the gov lets alot of people in without checking!!!!!! which in my oppinon is alot of bullshit and an indication to me that lately you have not been through the imigration system in this country like some here have.If this was the case why is there such a shortage of people in the work force????? Who are these people who are not being checked??? Are you referring about Dr patel and the sorts for example,the doctors that people here WANTED to employ because they accept cheaper wages???? Discrimation,rascism has to be fixed from within and if you where never confronted with that situation than you dont know what its like.I have no pleasure when I am attacked/ confronted by people like that but than reaonsable proportionate force is used to teach them what 1000's of years worth of history can do.I have no problem with white people considering I look like the inside of a coconut and if I did it would not be because of their ignorance but more for the fact that they steal oxygen.I came here on a Cathay Pacific business class flight from Switzerland is all I say to those who think that forgeiners should not be here.Maybe a little reminder how discriminate some rules are here is the Beiging games.We rightfully stop Chinese people from bringing food into this country for a whole array of reasons and I agree fully, BUT we want to take our shit to their country with us and cause they refused and rightfully so, the local racism went on high alert with phrases like gook this gook that...... this is only one of the many scenarios that happen on a daily bassis.
By the way some thorugh background checks cant be done because we bombed the fcuk out of their buildings to "protect them"...........more of a case of divide,conquer and steal their natural rescoures.
just a reminder!!
I just realised who started this thread and that explains the term red neck or red coats with a gun as they where called in times gone by.......does that sound familiar to the history buffs

Messages In This Thread
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by copperjosh - 28-05-2008, 10:53am
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by 1300hayabusa - 01-06-2008, 07:34am
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by 1300hayabusa - 29-05-2008, 07:42am
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by 1300hayabusa - 29-05-2008, 12:21pm
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by Heidi1 - 29-05-2008, 05:12pm
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by 1300hayabusa - 29-05-2008, 06:18pm
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by 1300hayabusa - 01-06-2008, 09:51am
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by 1300hayabusa - 01-06-2008, 07:20am
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by Heidi1 - 29-05-2008, 05:37pm
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by 1300hayabusa - 30-05-2008, 08:18am
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by spamanglenn - 31-05-2008, 12:55pm
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by 1300hayabusa - 01-06-2008, 07:39am
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by 1300hayabusa - 01-06-2008, 08:42am
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by spamanglenn - 01-06-2008, 09:16am
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by 1300hayabusa - 01-06-2008, 09:32am
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by 1300hayabusa - 01-06-2008, 09:18am
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by 1300hayabusa - 01-06-2008, 10:48am
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by 1300hayabusa - 01-06-2008, 05:17pm
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by DjPete - 02-06-2008, 02:33pm
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by BLACKZOOK - 02-06-2008, 09:04pm
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by Heidi1 - 03-06-2008, 05:33pm
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by 1300hayabusa - 04-06-2008, 05:54am
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by BLACKZOOK - 03-06-2008, 02:05am
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by 1300hayabusa - 03-06-2008, 06:07am
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by 1300hayabusa - 03-06-2008, 07:00am
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by The Wild Wind - 18-06-2008, 01:51pm
RE: Camden residents stops islamic school. - by The Wild Wind - 14-07-2008, 11:07pm

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