28-03-2008, 07:28pm
I've done the trip from Perth to Melbourne, toured Vic and South Aust,then back to Perth ,then flew to Geelong and rode a Busa back to Perth again within the last three months.It's a fantastic journey and something everyone should do at least once in their life,but give yourself plenty of time to take it all in. It give's you a perspective on just how big and how remote parts of Australia are, and why Perth is the most isolated city in the world. Take the Great ocean road from Victoria,and head to Adalaide via Portland, Mount Gambia. When you get to Norsman in WA turn left and head to Esperance then do the south coast to Albany and follow the coast up to Perth.On the way back head east to Kalgoorlie,then on to Norsman and turn left to get back east.