25-09-2006, 12:40am
Where was everyone? Just 3 of us left from the end of the fwy and caught up with Bruce, vewwy nice bling there Bruce Great to see you getting your feet down Ian
Great ride, even almost going bush off the gravel road someone found fer us lol fishtail made me pucker- pucker
634km from home to home today Home, grab beer, wash bike, have another beer, dried bike, another beer, bbq and more beer, can you see a trend ? HIC!
Back to work tomorrow after 2 great weeks off now roll on December when I take the whole month off hehehe
Must do it again SOON fella's.
Tim <i></i>
Great ride, even almost going bush off the gravel road someone found fer us lol fishtail made me pucker- pucker
634km from home to home today Home, grab beer, wash bike, have another beer, dried bike, another beer, bbq and more beer, can you see a trend ? HIC!
Back to work tomorrow after 2 great weeks off now roll on December when I take the whole month off hehehe
Must do it again SOON fella's.
Tim <i></i>