07-03-2008, 09:31pm
Easiest thing in the world to do, right up until more than just your knee is down. If you're going to do it, make absolutely sure you're not crossed up. If you cross your body up over the bike, you will over lean the bike and spud in. One way to make sure you're not crossing up? Get your head over the same side of the bike as your body. Getting your arse off the seat is dumb. You only need one cheek off. Get the outside knee smashed hard into the tank with a strong calf muscle. Get you inside knee so that your legs are ninety degrees to each other. You'll need to rotate your inside foot so the toe is on the peg, AND, the heel resting on the peg guard. As you enter the corner, get you noggin to the inside of the inner fairing. Lower you chest to the tank as you apex.
Does that sound busy? Friggin should! The only time racers get to rest is actually in the corner. The rest of the time they're very much earning the dollars.
Does that sound busy? Friggin should! The only time racers get to rest is actually in the corner. The rest of the time they're very much earning the dollars.