02-03-2008, 12:47am
sad to see the spot.
otherwise the rest of the day was excellent.
Thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks Corbin, very well organised. and nice to meet the new guys too.
Great pics Gassick.
Sorry I didn't get back to your sms.
I hate smsing and I just got back from work now.
I had to go staraight to the job I spoke about as soon as I got home from the ride.
I got home safe n sound thankyou.
otherwise the rest of the day was excellent.
Thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks Corbin, very well organised. and nice to meet the new guys too.
Great pics Gassick.
Sorry I didn't get back to your sms.
I hate smsing and I just got back from work now.
I had to go staraight to the job I spoke about as soon as I got home from the ride.
I got home safe n sound thankyou.