20-02-2008, 01:27pm
I understand and support what you are saying. I try to model good behaviour (when I can). I slipped down through the traffic a few weeks ago and in beside a boy on his Ls wearing a t-shirt and thongs. The traffic started up and I let him go, but SERIOUSLY, have you TRIED to sit behind a 250 that is thrashing its ring out? When it was safe, I gently went past him and gave him a little wave. At the next set of lights, he pulled in beside me and the next time the lights went green, I took off and he shot off like a startled bunny, going like the clappers IN THE BLOODY PUSHBIKE LANE to try and get ahead of me. Little fucknuckle. The next time we stopped I spoke to him about giving all bike riders a bad name, and WHERE WAS HIS DAMN SAFETLY GEAR ANYWAY!!!