House sitted wanted in Western Sydney
Wanted reliable house sitter in Western Sydney. House is 5 minutes from eastern creek track., I will be travelling for 6 weeks from the 21st of February.

Im after someone reliable who will look after the place, feed my dog and tend the lawn.

Single parent and pets are OK. Bus to the door and schools/shops in walking distance. No rent no utilities all free. If we get along they are welcome to stay free of charge permanently as I travel for extended periods all the time.

MUST have references and/or be well known here. Send me a P/M if interested.

Messages In This Thread
House sitted wanted in Western Sydney - by BLACKZOOK - 27-01-2008, 10:56am
RE: House sitted wanted in Western Sydney - by BLACKZOOK - 28-01-2008, 06:25am

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