The I love Mechanix Page
BUSGO Wrote:Ok, For one night, I left the forum alone to see what happens.

Now that I return to check on the situation, it has once again turned into the slinging match that I was asked to eliminate by being a strict admin.

I know that some of the posts in this discussion were absolutely offensive to anyone that would have read them and especially those that they had been directed towards.

I have now taken action that I am supposed to do and deleted the worst of them.
It may not have been instant action but if I had done that, we wouldn't have seen the piss poor direction that the discussions tend to take these day.

I WILL continue to administer this site in order to restore the true nature of the club.
If you don't agree with the process, don't winge about it.
Either accept the new direction and abide by it, or leave and start your own website.
I won't accept any more criticism for my actions. I am doing what is best for the club, not individual panderings.
If you criticise the admins for the job we do. We will delete the discussion post.

Now thats sounds like a good idea Ray, but remember this "dont fuckup and u dont get criticised, fuckup and u do" Thats life.
With the above statement u made well it sounds like one of Poll Pot's quotes "If you criticise the admins for the job we do??. We will delete the discussion post."

Messages In This Thread
The I love Mechanix Page - by MrsTonysEvilTwin - 15-12-2007, 08:23am
RE: The I love Mechanix Page - by kawasuki - 15-12-2007, 12:24pm
RE: The I love Mechanix Page - by black13 - 15-12-2007, 12:35pm
RE: The I love Mechanix Page - by kawasuki - 15-12-2007, 12:40pm
RE: The I love Mechanix Page - by xhiler8r - 15-12-2007, 04:39pm
RE: The I love Mechanix Page - by xxxdamoxxx - 15-12-2007, 08:14pm
RE: The I love Mechanix Page - by tenacious - 15-12-2007, 08:49pm
RE: The I love Mechanix Page - by black13 - 15-12-2007, 08:50pm
RE: The I love Mechanix Page - by xhiler8r - 15-12-2007, 09:09pm
RE: The I love Mechanix Page - by spamanglenn - 15-12-2007, 10:09pm
RE: The I love Mechanix Page - by BUSGO - 16-12-2007, 08:46am
RE: The I love Mechanix Page - by kawasuki - 16-12-2007, 12:47pm
RE: The I love Mechanix Page - by bandit - 16-12-2007, 10:51am

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