Raz the Tosser
read your pm's X!

it was a cut & paste - so sue me - either way the point was I asked you to stop some of your shit towards me in a PERSONAL MESSAGE!
Instead of replying to that - for what ever reason - be it that you couldn't handle it on your own or something - decided to come & post it here in the general section. Way to go X.

So instead of being the 30 plus something guy you are ment to be - you act like a 12 year forum whore & post it here for all to see.

It came about simply because you & mechx seem to want to follow my posts around - you dont know me from a bar of soap - yet seem to think you have me all figured out as well.

That shits me - but worse is that you didn't have to balls to just reply to me & ask wtf was wrong? in which case I would have seen that I in fact did not edit it at all & sent it - which was @ 11:30pm while I was tired & hence the non edit.

So I am glad you think you have done some god here or what ever - still say you should have been the man your meant to be & just replied to me instead of posting here. sorry to see I guess.

As to what you said at the start of your post, you think I am such a bad bloke huh? well ok then, lets see.. mybb, tez, commando & a few others that know me here in melbourne - know that if they needed help, I will always put up my hand to help out.
I setup the whole wireless thing for Mr Rod in his last days as well - even tho I was losing my job & now I am left with a bad debt because set people deiced no to help me with it.
I got my old man to help out commando when he dump his bike, from one side of the city to the other I draggedmy old me & myself there just to help a fellow club mate. I am always helping out mybb(azza) with things, Tez could call me any time & know that I will help her out as well.

On other bike clubs I am known as one guy that will always help if you need it & I can hep, I setup a number of rides for that club - try here but since everyone thinks so bad of me - meh.

Things I have done wrong.... well lets see here.

When Jindy came around - I asked Richard why there was hardly anything for the raffle, I offered to throw in something - yes some hayabusa models. Before the jindy ride I talked to Richard & said I didn't have them , might be loseing my job & wasn't sure if I could pull them through - but because it was already out there he said it wasn't a big deal & when I was ok I could send them out - well we know how that turned out dont we?? last time I ever off to help with anything.

what else X?

oh yes - my last post about nem - did you see Tez's post there? does it not say that I had a fairly good insight to the issue? truth is I didn't I called nem coz I have met him - think of him as a cool guy & thats it, I call - find out he is actually pretty upset & I was worried, could I have done it different - yes, was told so & I thought so after as well, somethings happen in haste.

Now ask your self Xhiler - does that sound like what your saying? fact is you dont know me & neither does half the club. I hate the fact that out site has turned in this type of forum because it was once a place where the likes of Hodge, rev & others would happy post & talk & meet up at the coffee nights... no longer :(

pitty aint it?

Oh yes - one last thing I did "wrong"

Richard needed someone to come to his court date - I said yes... but when the date got closer I got a new job with NAB - due to the nature of the job & how important it was - in the end I couldn't go... he was pinned @ over 180 & out of all the people that went to Jindy from Melbourne - Myself & mybb(azza) were the only ones who even offered to help out. So seriously, talk to me in pm or shut the f*** up because you dont know what your talking about.
[Image: nocensorship.gif]

Messages In This Thread
Raz the Tosser - by xhiler8r - 06-12-2007, 05:24am
RE: Raz the Tosser - by kawasuki - 06-12-2007, 06:55am
RE: Raz the Tosser - by copperjosh - 06-12-2007, 07:09am
RE: Raz the Tosser - by 2CUTE4U - 06-12-2007, 07:16am
RE: Raz the Tosser - by jaycbr250 - 06-12-2007, 06:00pm
RE: Raz the Tosser - by Ozboc - 06-12-2007, 03:13pm
RE: Raz the Tosser - by Ozboc - 06-12-2007, 03:14pm
RE: Raz the Tosser - by F.B.R.1347 - 06-12-2007, 03:45pm
RE: Raz the Tosser - by Dan85 - 06-12-2007, 03:45pm
RE: Raz the Tosser - by xhiler8r - 06-12-2007, 05:00pm
RE: Raz the Tosser - by 2CUTE4U - 06-12-2007, 05:13pm
RE: Raz the Tosser - by RaZ - 06-12-2007, 05:16pm
RE: Raz the Tosser - by xhiler8r - 06-12-2007, 05:26pm
RE: Raz the Tosser - by RaZ - 06-12-2007, 05:28pm
RE: Raz the Tosser - by RaZ - 06-12-2007, 05:30pm
RE: Raz the Tosser - by xhiler8r - 06-12-2007, 05:37pm
RE: Raz the Tosser - by mechanx - 06-12-2007, 05:45pm
What the?? - by Astro - 06-12-2007, 09:23pm
RE: Raz the Tosser - by mybb - 07-12-2007, 04:27pm

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