Some interesting research...
Based on many sources I have ascertained the following historical information about the Hayabusa. The name as you may have not heard comes from the Japanese Peregrine falcon. It is one of the few animals which can travel at about 300km per hour (in a dive). The designer apparently came up with the name whilst walking along the beach and seeing this bird. The colour scheme of gold/bronze and silver are similar to those of the falcon its self. This falcon often hunts Blackbirds.

Having done further research, the 'Japanese Very Fast Train' which travels at about the same speeds is also called the Hayabusa. I think this was this pre-dates the Suzuki use of the Hayabusa term.

*I have recently been informed that the term Hayabusa was also used to name a WWII Japanese aircraft. Designated the KI-43 it was built by the Nakajima conglomerate and was classed a fighter. This was apparently the first use of bird names for aircraft.

The Hayabusa was first rumoured to exist during 1998. It was finally launched in Spain on the Catalunya circuit in April 1999. It joins the lists of top speed limit breaking bikes over the years. In fact it is the first production motorcycle to break the 300kph barrier ! The namer of the bike is reported to be Suzuki Product Planning group - Akihiko Muramatsu.

Messages In This Thread
Some interesting research... - by matty85 - 01-11-2007, 02:49pm
RE: Some interesting research... - by Simo - 01-11-2007, 03:54pm
RE: Some interesting research... - by F.B.R.1347 - 01-11-2007, 05:27pm
RE: Some interesting research... - by BUSGO - 01-11-2007, 08:09pm
RE: Some interesting research... - by edris - 01-11-2007, 08:13pm
RE: Some interesting research... - by BUSGO - 01-11-2007, 08:23pm
RE: Some interesting research... - by TimF - 01-11-2007, 09:11pm
RE: Some interesting research... - by pan - 01-11-2007, 10:33pm
RE: Some interesting research... - by matty85 - 02-11-2007, 03:36pm
RE: Some interesting research... - by pan - 02-11-2007, 03:38pm
RE: Some interesting research... - by NEMESIS - 04-11-2007, 10:01am
RE: Some interesting research... - by Doc - 04-11-2007, 10:25am

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